Some of the CSPA teachers have begun to offer in-studio instruction.

CSPA will comply with the special rules and regulations as required by the

NYS Department of Health in their Safety Plan for reopening.

Our plans are listed below and all parents, students, staff and teachers should adhere to these special rules:

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  • Parents will be asked to drop off elementary aged students at the marked doorway about 2-3 minutes before the lesson, where they can watch them safely proceed through the studio doorway. Protective masks are required for parents, students, siblings - - anyone entering the building. Parents may not enter the studio.

  • Middle school and high school students do not need to be brought up by a parent.

  • Students should proceed into the lobby and must have their mask on as they enter.

  • All students will be asked to use hand sanitizer and their temperature will be taken upon arrival.

  • Teachers will additionally sign the health screening questionnaire at the beginning of the workday.

  • At the time of dismissal, teachers will escort elementary aged students to the doorway, where they can again use hand sanitizer upon leaving.

  • Parents should wait at the pickup area and may speak briefly to the teacher at a distance, and only with masks. Please check students papers for any new books that need to be ordered.

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  • Lobby chairs will be wiped down 3x a day: in the mid-afternoon, early evening and again when the day is done, with a CDC approved solution.

  • Cleaning logs will be kept at the front desk.

  • Doorknobs, music stands and piano ledges will be wiped down regularly.

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  • Protective partitions have been custom built for every room at CSPA.

  • Teachers and students of guitar, drums and strings must wear a mask throughout their lesson, but may opt to not use the partitions.

  • Woodwinds, brass and voice lesson will take place without a mask due to the nature of the instrument and must use the partition. The partitions will be sanitized with a UV wand between lessons.

  • Air circulation will be an important factor and will be addresses in all rooms when masks are not worn.

  • CSPA keeps a detailed log of all students, teachers and staff that are present in each of our studios. In case of a report of a positive COVID-19 teacher, student or staff member, CSPA is required to notify the state and local health department and will cooperate with contact and tracing efforts.

  • Signage will be posted throughout the site to remind parents, teachers staff and students to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE and cleaning/disinfecting protocols.

  • Teachers will advise CSPA owners of the need to provide a new lesson book, music, materials or accessories for lessons. Parents will be informed by email or phone. Payment for the items can be made by charge card, or a check or cash provided by the student at the time of the following lesson. We recommend that any payment is made to the main desk by the student, in a marked envelope. Tuition payments can continue to be paid either with a credit card, (not in person) or students can bring a check or cash in a clearly marked envelope at the time of the lesson.

We are leaving it to the teacher’s discretion when it comes to allowing a parent with a protective mask to observe the lesson. It is not customary for a parent to attend a lesson, with the exception of first time students that are very young and that would be for the first 2 lessons, only. We prefer the parent to observe the lesson through Zoom, which can be arranged by calling us the day before the lesson.

If there are any questions about our procedures, please call the front desk at 914-402-4250 to speak directly with Ray or Carol.

In this time of distance learning, we will always be available to speak with you, between 10am and 10pm daily.